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17 items found for ""

  • no.03 抽象的な世界 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.03 Abstract world ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Profound Monochrome. In monochrome photography, We are looking for works that express a profound and moving world. Shadow and light, composition, emotion, etc. We are looking forward to seeing photos that give you a sense of depth that can only be achieved in monochrome. ​ Application period 2024/02/01 ~ 2024/04/30 ​ *Results are expected to be announced one to two months after the deadline. ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Results ​Recruitment requirements ​最優秀作品 タイトル:POP そこに「あって」も素通りされるのは、「products」 足を止めるものが「art」 じゃ、自然は? 足を止めて見入るではないか? そしたら試してみたらいい 人間が作り出した「作品」を自然のなかに置いてみる そっちに注目させたなら、きっと自然は「art」ではない ​ 受賞者プロフィール KUMIKO 2003年より映画業界で助監督として活動。 2009年自身の脚本で監督でデビュー。 現在はテレビドラマや映画の監督として活動。 2022年より、写真や絵画制作を始め、その媒体でしか表現できないことを追求。 現在は、絵では、心と脳が感じた現象や実像を描き、写真では抽象的な画を、そして写真を組み合わせた作品などを制作している。 2023年12月に自身で主催した「ReNrEn -瀲々- ART×CAFE in 松陽院」を開催。 ​ 審査員コメント # 別の世界に迷い込んだかのような感覚を覚えました。 # 意図的なシャッタースピードか手ブレで起こした残像と、背景の色合いが非常にマッチしており、ともすれば失敗とも思える写真が作品に昇華されています。 # 色彩とコントラストのグラデーションが絶妙で、目の前に確かにあるようなのにしかし掴めそうにない、不思議な質感が写真から伝わります。​抽象写真らしい、何をどのように撮影したのかわからないながら、確かな魅力がそこにある作品です。 Pickup other works

  • info | jaselon PhotoContest

    ​information We publish the terms of use, FAQ, operating company information, etc. Please check this before using the service. ​Terms These are the terms of use​ that you must agree to when applying for the contest. ​FAQ ​Contest FAQ I am collecting questions. ​company Management company of this contest [jaselon] Introducing ​.

  • no.07 レタッチ&モンタージュの魔法 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.07 The magic of retouching and montage ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Magic of retouching and montage. Magic of photograph We are looking for photos that focus on digital art, making full use of retouching and montage. The combination of different elements, colors and lights that make it difficult to tell whether they are real or not. We look forward to seeing magical works that create new meaning. ​ Application period 2024/06/30 Ma in ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ * The results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​

  • お知らせ | jaselon PhotoContest

    notice お知らせ ​コンテスト開催状況の更新についてお知らせをいたします。 2024/09 # 以下コンテストの応募を開始しました。奮ってご応募ください。 ・植物の息遣い - 草花や木の写真コンテストです。植物の魅力を表現した作品を応募します。 ​ # 以下コンテストの受賞者が決定しました。 ・抽象的な世界 ・モノクロの深遠 ​ 2024/08 # 以下コンテストの応募を開始しました。奮ってご応募ください。 ・The Best Photos 2024 - 2024年のベストショットをご応募ください。 ・ポートレートコンテスト Vol.1 - かっこいい、かわいい、綺麗、ユニーク、何でもOK。珠玉の作品をお待ちしています。 ・空の表情 - 最も身近にある被写体である「空」のさまざまな表情を見せてください。 ・動物/生命 - ペット・動物園・野鳥・野生の命など、動物の写真を募集します。 ・"夏" - 夏を感じる写真のコンテストです。2024年以前の作品でも構いません。 # 運営スケジュールの都合上、以下コンテストの応募期限を延長しました。引き続きご応募をお待ちしております。 ・風景の美 ・都市の躍動 # 以下コンテストの応募を締め切りました。結果発表はおおよそ10月〜11月を予定しております。 ・モノクロの深遠 ・鏡の中の世界 ・抽象的な世界 ・幸福な瞬間 ​ ​ ​

  • no.05 レトロな風情 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.05 Retro style ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Retro style . Retro Vibes The theme is photos that have a retro and nostalgic atmosphere. Nostalgic items, antique buildings, and vintage fashion. We are looking forward to seeing photos that give you a sense of the times. It doesn't matter whether it's a photo that expresses a retro feel or a retro photo that was actually taken a long time ago. ​ Application period Until 2024/05/31 ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ * The results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​

  • FAQ | jaselon PhotoContest

    ​FAQ Q. Application Do you have details about the conditions? ​ A.terms of service details are listed in. please confirm. ​ Q. What about the submitted work? What about copyright? A It belongs to the applicant. ​ Q. How will submitted works be handled? ? A. This site will be used for announcing results and archiving. In addition, there are cases in which our works are featured as award-winning works on our social media and electronic photo books. At that time, information entered at the time of application, such as the applicant's name, may be recorded. Please note. ​ Q. Can beginners also apply? Are there any restrictions on background or equipment? ​ A. There are no restrictions at all. . You bought a camera today. Anyone can participate, even if you only take pictures with your smartphone. ​ Q.What should I do if I applied by mistake? ​A. Please contact us using the inquiry form. ​ Q. How can I receive prize money? Do you want to ? ​A. We will transfer the amount to your account. Winners will be notified separately by email. ​ Q.Will I be notified of the contest results? ? ​A. We apologize, but we will not contact anyone other than the winners. ​Please check the archive page yourself. ​ Q.When will I know the contest results? ? ​A. We will announce the results approximately two months after the deadline. ​ Q. Will the judges be announced? ? ​A. In general, the judges in our contests are not made public. In the case of tie-ups or collaborative projects, information may be announced. ​ Q.Is there a limit on the number of entries or works? ​A. ​There is no limit to the number of entries. However, only one work can be submitted per entry. Basically a group Although we do not accept submissions of works, we may accept collections of works depending on the contest. ​ Q. Are there any restrictions on submitted works? ? ​A. Basically not. It is also possible to add detail and color through camera settings and retouching, as well as collage. You can also apply with works that have won awards in past contests held by other companies, or works that have been submitted to other contests. However, works with watermarks and works that have won awards in our contests will not be considered at the time of selection. It will be ​. Please note. ​ ​ Q. Works that have already been posted on SNS etc. can also be submitted. mosquito? ​A. Yes, it is okay. ​ Q.Can I check or change the submitted work? ? ​A. ​Cannot be done. Please check before applying.

  • no.4風景の美 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.04 Beauty of scenery ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Beauty of landscape We are looking for photos that capture the breathtaking beauty of a landscape that combines nature and the city. The grandeur created by nature, the urban landscape created by humans, etc. Express the diverse beauty of the landscape. ​ Application period Until 2024/05/31 ​ ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ *Results will be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Apply ​Application form 氏名 別名・ハンドルネーム等 メールアドレス 生年月日 作品をアップロードしてください アップロード (最大25MB) 作品タイトル キャプション・紹介文 ポートフォリオ / SNS 応募者様プロフィール 利用規約に同意する 利用規約はこちら 応募 / 支払い

  • no.01 都市の躍動 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.01 Urban dynamism ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Urban Dynamism We look for photos that convey the energy and vibrancy of the city. Buildings, downtown areas, transportation, etc. Capture the dynamism that lives within the city. ​ Application period 2024/02/01 ~ 2024/04/30 ​ *Results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Apply ​Application form 氏名 別名・ハンドルネーム等 メールアドレス 生年月日 作品をアップロードしてください アップロード (最大25MB) 作品タイトル キャプション・紹介文 ポートフォリオ / SNS 応募者様プロフィール 利用規約に同意する 利用規約はこちら 応募 / 支払い

  • no.08 鏡の中の世界 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.08 The world in the mirror ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: World in the Mirror We are looking for photos that capture different worlds and perspectives through mirrors, windows, water surfaces, reflections, etc. We are looking forward to receiving works in which the landscapes, people, and objects reflected in them give off a unique charm. ​ Application period 2024/06/30 Ma in ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ * The results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Apply ​Application form 氏名 別名・ハンドルネーム等 メールアドレス 生年月日 作品をアップロードしてください アップロード (最大25MB) 作品タイトル キャプション・紹介文 ポートフォリオ / SNS 応募者様プロフィール 利用規約に同意する 利用規約はこちら 応募 / 支払い このコンテストは締め切りました。応募することができません。結果発表をお待ちください。

  • no.09 色彩と感情の共鳴 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.09 Resonance of colors and emotions ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Resonance of Color and Emotion. I look for beautiful photos that resonate with color and emotion. The combination of colors expresses emotions and feelings, We are looking forward to seeing works that deeply move viewers. ​ Application period 2024/09/30 Ma in ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ * The results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Apply ​Application form 氏名 別名・ハンドルネーム等 メールアドレス 生年月日 作品をアップロードしてください アップロード (最大25MB) 作品タイトル キャプション・紹介文 ポートフォリオ / SNS 応募者様プロフィール 利用規約に同意する 利用規約はこちら 応募 / 支払い

  • no.06 幸福な瞬間 | jaselon PhotoContest

    no.06 Happy moment ​ ​Requirements ​Recruitment requirements Theme: Moments of Happiness We are looking for photos that capture happy moments. Smiles, emotions, love, events, weddings, birthdays, etc. We are looking forward to seeing works that capture moments when people feel happy. ​ ​ Application period 2024/05/31 Ma in ​ award Grand Prize 20,000 yen (1 person) Excellence Award 10,000 yen (2 people) the Other selected works Outstanding works will be selected from the submitted works and published in electronic photo books, etc. The number of selections has not yet been determined. Please fill out the application form below Name (if you have an alias, give priority to the alias), title, caption, portfolio etc. Post your work with an introduction, We would like to increase the opportunities for photographers to be active as much as possible. ​ * The results are expected to be announced approximately two months after the deadline. ​ ​ Application fee 1,000 yen per entry. ​ Apply ​Application form 氏名 別名・ハンドルネーム等 メールアドレス 生年月日 作品をアップロードしてください アップロード (最大25MB) 作品タイトル キャプション・紹介文 ポートフォリオ / SNS 応募者様プロフィール 利用規約に同意する 利用規約はこちら 応募 / 支払い このコンテストは締め切りました。応募することができません。結果発表をお待ちください。

  • アーカイブ | jaselon PhotoContest

    Archive・Award ​Winners Announcement/Past Contests モノクロ写真コンテスト モノクロ写真において深遠で感動的な世界を表現した作品を募集します。 View contest 抽象作品コンテスト 抽象的で非現実的な世界を表現した作品を募集します。 View contest 幸福な瞬間を切り取った写真 笑顔、感動、愛情など、幸せな瞬間を捉えた写真を募集します。 View contest リフレクション写真コンテスト 鏡や反射を通じて捉えた異なる世界や視点をテーマにした作品を募集します。 View contest

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